
CicloSchools consists of a multidisciplinary consortium of 7 partners that bring into the project complementary competences and experience in the fields of Circular Economy, Education for Sustainability, Teacher education and training and School Education.

Read more about our project team in the following profiles:


Netherlands Noord-Brabant EINDHOVEN

Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) educates students and advances knowledge in science & technology for the benefit of humanity. We integrate education and research to enable our students and scientists to become thought leaders and to design and achieve the unimaginable. In close collaboration with our public and private partners, we translate our basic research into meaningful solutions.

Eindhoven School of Education (ESoE) is the TU/e expertise center in the field of professional development of teachers in the science and engineering domain. The research of the Eindhoven School of Education focuses mainly on secondary and higher education. Research results are directly applicable in the Master of Science Education      as well as in innovation projects in schools.

In addition, the Eindhoven School of Education actively contributes to the education of the departments at the TU/e by initiating and evaluating educational innovations.


Germany BERLIN

The Comparative Research Network (CRN) was founded in 2007 and worked since then in the field of non-formal adult, youth and VET education and research.

The CRN Network activities are divided in three vertical fields: research, education, and publication. The research department aims to bring social sciences closer to society. Research fields are among others: European Borders, Civic Participation, Urban Issues, Peacebuilding and intercultural dialogue, diversity and citizens science. We are working on local projects in the city of Berlin with migrants on co-creating concepts of social integration, and isn a wider scale on conversations of change and social cohesion and new concepts of diversity between local citizens and policy makers.



Stimmuli is an organisation specializing in the field of innovation and school education. The organisation employs a mix of cross-disciplinary research methods to foster innovation in education and produce new knowledge, tools and evidence for academic, policy and practice communities. STIMMULI designs and implements EU-funded projects (Erasmus+, H2020, AMIF, VEDA) in all education levels, with special focus on teacher training and professional development of educators as a means to introduce innovative educational approaches at schools.



Storytellme have been established in 2014 as the result of the joint efforts from a group of innovative and creative driven experienced professionals in the areas of digital literacy and educational project management. It operates in the area of literacy combined with entertainment, through the publishing of personalized books. Storytellme has specific expertise in the development of creative concepts for non-formal education initiatives and projects, where it applies its innovative digital products, materials and approaches on different and diverse target groups. Among others, the tools and methodologies used for this learning and process innovation are in the fields of Design Thinking, Storytelling and Creative Design. Storytellme is an expert in media, video, illustrations and comic solutions to use in learning environments. It works specifically in Social Marketing (social networks and network management), Engagement Platforms (digital tools to create engaging experiences on on-line challenges), and Animated Graphics (interactive formats or standard video). The core public of Storytellme activities is both the schools and the enterprises. In its activities it has earned the trust and respect of its partners, public and private sector organisations spread across Europe, with whom has cooperated successfully with the scope of several international projects.


Greece (Thessalia) VOLOS

The 4th Senior High School of Volos is the biggest senior High School of Volos, with more than 300 students from a variety of social backgrounds. The 4th Senior High School of Volos has a long-term experience in themes linked to sciences, culture, art, innovation and environmental education. We encourage leadership and entrepreneurship among students as well as we are promoting voluntary activities and active citizenship in EU.

Our school cooperates with local cultural organizations, museums scientific and sport bodies in order to implement short or extended projects every year.

The teachers of the school have carried out several e-twinning projects focusing to exchange of experience and practices between students from different counties, concerning not only education and training but also social inclusion.

Fundação de Ensino Profissional da Praia da Vitória


Escola Profissional da Praia da Vitória is a non-profit establishment that pursues private education in the public interest and is owned by the Fundação de Ensino Profissional da Praia da Vitória. As an accredited professional training institution, EPPV seeks to contribute to the integral training of professional youth, who are future local and regional professionals in the region. EPPV offers various levels, from level 4 courses (12th grade equivalence), training by sets of UFCDs, and courses for adults in the Reativar program training (9th or 12th grade equivalence). With regard to training areas, they are also very diverse, with courses in the areas of training in Hotel and Restaurant, Electricity and Energy, Electronics and Automation, Computer Science, Audiovisuals and Media Production, Agricultural and Animal Production and Child Care. Students in Level 4 courses are aged between 15 and 20 years. With regard to adults, ages vary and between 23 and 45 years old. Currently, our school has 196 students, 25 employees and 25 teachers.

Cartesius Lyceum, Onderwijsstichting Esprit

Netherlands Noord-Holland Amsterdam

Grammar school (general secondary education), age of students: 12-19; around 700 students, 65+ teachers in 2022/23. We are a small, secondary school with broad interests in science and culture, situated in the western part of Amsterdam, the administrative capital of the Netherlands. We host a whole range of students, as far as their social, economic and demographic backgrounds are concerned: from rich, well-educated and financially safe families to poor students coming chiefly from the families of migrants. Our school consists of 50+% of foreigners from the first and/or second generation, mainly from (North) Africa, Asia and different parts of Europe. We also have students with special needs (dyslexia, dysgraphia, PDD-NOS, AD(H)D etc. (around 10% of all the students).
Despite the differences (religion, ethnicity, economic status etc.), we are a vibrant, colourful and very ambitious school, engaged in numerous cultural and curricular projects and ready to tackle new challenges.
Our school has chosen unanimously for internationalisation as a core value of our school curriculum. That means we are very dedicated to making it possible and giving space to teaching different cultures through different languages. Since 2014
we have started to participate in numerous Erasmus projects (in German and English), mostly in the field of Tolerance, Democracy and Human Rights, but also Sustainability and Innovation.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. Project N. 2023-1-NL01-KA220-SCH-000151914